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강좌일 강의제목 강연자
2021.11.30 (화) Manipulating Checkpoint Molecules l in Myeloid Leukemia: PD-1H/VISTA 김태곤(Banderblit University)
2021.11.23 (화) Human protein nanocage as a delivery and therapeutic platform for cancer therapy 석정수(Johns Hopkins University)
2021.11.16 (화) Therapeutic macrophage-MAPKs activation rescue intestinal epithelial barrier regeneration with IBD 석승현(서울대학교 의과대학)
2021.11.09 (화) 국제?암통계의?현재와?미래 성현아(ACS)
2021.11.02 (화) Role of molecular features associated with stem cell pluripotency on bladder carcinogenesis 신동명(울산대학교 의과대학)
2021.10.26 (화) Pharmacogenomics for precision cancer therapy 이진구(서울대학교 의과대학)
2021.10.19 (화) TBA 민정준(전남의대)
2021.10.12 (화) Fc receptor mediated effector functions in cancer therapeutics 이창환(서울대 의과대)
2021.10.05 (화) Cancer-targeted bi-specific RNAi therapy 최진우(경희대학교 약학대학)
2021.09.28 (화) Characterizing immunogenicity in response to immune checkpoint blockade 김규태(아주대학교 의과대학)
2021.09.14 (화) Epigenetic alterations promote pancreatic cancer progression and metastasis 황창일(University of California, Davis)
2021.09.07 (화) Extrachromosomal DNA in Cancer 김훈(성균관대 약학대학)
2021.05.25 (화) Rewiring lipid metabolism by hypoxia-inducible factor-1 in tumor microenvironment: New targets for cancer therapy? 전양숙(서울대학교 의과대학)
2021.05.18 (화) Emerging Roles for Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 in Gene Regulation and Cancer 이철환(서울의대 약리학교실)
2021.05.11 (화) Studying biology by direct visualization?at molecular resolution 노성훈(서울대 생명과학부)
2021.05.04 (화) 암연구과제 발표회 (이규언.이혁준.신현우)
2021.04.27 (화) Tumor microenvironment remodeling by combination immunotherapy 전홍재(차의과대학교 분당차병원)
2021.04.20 (화) Integrative proteogenomic analysis of human cancers 황대희(서울대 생명과학부)
2021.04.13 (화) Molecular classification of gastric cancer and adenocarcinoma of gastroesophageal junction 서윤석(분당서울대병원)
2021.04.06 (화) T cell exhaustion and its implication into cancer immunotherapy 박수형(KAIST)
2021.03.30 (화) Mechanisms of genomic evolution and progression in CLL 안인혜(National Institutes of Health)
2021.03.23 (화) Health insurance claim data: a real-world answer to cancer survivorship 신애선(서울의대)
2021.03.16 (화) Effect of Digital Mammography for Breast Cancer Screening: A Comparative Study of More than 8 Million Korean Women 전재관(암예방사업부)
2021.03.09 (화) Story of innovations in an immuno-oncology trial 채영광(Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern )
2021.03.02 (화) Systems biology approach to overcome the therapeutic resistance tomultikinase inhibitor 원재경(서울의대)