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암센터 국문 논문 목록
학술지 책임저자
저자,논문명,학술지명,발간일;년도;페이지:통권(Impact Factor)
Indoor air concentrations of carbon dioxide(CO2), nitrogen dioxide(NO2), and ozone(O3) in multiple healthcare facilities Wha Me Park
Wha Me Park:황성호:. Indoor air concentrations of carbon dioxide(CO2), nitrogen dioxide(NO2), and ozone(O3) in multiple healthcare facilities Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2019-10-23; 2019; Online:Published. IF 3.252 (2018)
Fatal Simultaneous Multi-organ Failure Following Pembrolizumab Treatment for Refractory Thymoma 권성욱
권성욱:현재원:김수현, 김호진, 이건국, 김학진. Fatal Simultaneous Multi-organ Failure Following Pembrolizumab Treatment for Refractory Thymoma Clinical Lung Cancer. 2019-10-19; 2019; 19:30282~30287. IF 4.117 (2018)
Impact of L-carnitine on imatinib-related muscle cramps in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumor Yoon-Koo Kang
Yoon-Koo Kang:채희정:. Impact of L-carnitine on imatinib-related muscle cramps in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumor INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUGS. 2019-10-18; 2019; 38:493~499. IF 2.663 (2018)
CD200 Induces Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma via β-Catenin-Mediated Nuclear Translocation 이상진
이상진, 정유석, 배용수(성균관대):신승필, 고아라:김종광, 김경태. CD200 Induces Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma via β-Catenin-Mediated Nuclear Translocation cancers. 2019-10-17; 2019; 11(10):1583~1583. IF 6.162 (2018)
Parental age at birth and the risk for atopic dermatitis Hong Yup Ahn
Hong Yup Ahn:박소정:. Parental age at birth and the risk for atopic dermatitis AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY. 2019-10-11; 2019; Online:Published. IF 1.789 (2019)
HCMV-encoded US7 and US8 act as antagonists of innate immunity by distinctively targeting TLR-signaling pathways 박보연
박보연:박아름:이성욱. HCMV-encoded US7 and US8 act as antagonists of innate immunity by distinctively targeting TLR-signaling pathways NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2019-10-11; 2019; 1:4670~4670. IF 11.878 (2018)
Secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine mediates active targetingof human serum albumin in U87MG xenograft mouse models 강건욱
강건욱:박초롱 조정환:정준기. Secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine mediates active targetingof human serum albumin in U87MG xenograft mouse models THERANOSTICS. 2019-10-11; 2019; 24:7447~7457. IF 8.063 (2018)
박초롱 조정환
Retinal Degeneration After First-Ever Optic Neuritis Helps Differentiate Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder 정영숙
정영숙:김남희:김호진. Retinal Degeneration After First-Ever Optic Neuritis Helps Differentiate Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder Frontiers in Neurology. 2019-10-10; 2019; Online:Published. IF 2.635 (2018)
Association of Bedtime with both Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Planning among Korean Adolescents Sung-In Jang
Sung-In Jang:정원정:이현지. Association of Bedtime with both Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Planning among Korean Adolescents INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 2019-10-10; 2019; 16(20):3817~. IF 2.468 (2018)
Gossypol Supresses Growth of Temozolomide-Resistant Glioblastoma Tumor Spheres 장현철
장현철:김희연, 이병일:김동건, 김수열, 전지훈. Gossypol Supresses Growth of Temozolomide-Resistant Glioblastoma Tumor Spheres Biomolecules. 2019-10-10; 2019; Online:Published. IF 4.694 (2018)