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암센터 국문 논문 목록
학술지 책임저자
저자,논문명,학술지명,발간일;년도;페이지:통권(Impact Factor)
A comparative study of the short?term operative outcome between intracorporeal and extracorporeal anastomoses during laparoscopic total gastrectomy 류근원
류근원:한원호:김영우,윤홍만,엄방울,오윤정. A comparative study of the short?term operative outcome between intracorporeal and extracorporeal anastomoses during laparoscopic total gastrectomy SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES. 2020-04-08; 2020; Online:Published. IF 3.149 (2019)
Learning curve for pancreatoduodenectomy: can it be generalized? 박상재
한성식, 박상재:박형민:김선회. Learning curve for pancreatoduodenectomy: can it be generalized? ANZ JOURNAL OF SURGERY. 2020-04-07; 2020; Online:Published. IF 1.355 (2019)
Evaluation of Submucosal or Lymphovascular Invasion Detection Rates in Early Gastric Cancer Based on Pathology Section Interval 최일주
최일주:김영일, 국명철:이종열, 김찬규, 엄방울, 윤홍만, 류근원, 김영우. Evaluation of Submucosal or Lymphovascular Invasion Detection Rates in Early Gastric Cancer Based on Pathology Section Interval JOURNAL OF GASTRIC CANCER. 2020-04-06; 2020; 20(2):165~175. IF 1.989 (2019)
A Precision Strategy to Cure Renal Cell Carcinoma by Targeting Transglutaminase 2 김수열
김수열:김수열:Jeffrey W. Keillor. A Precision Strategy to Cure Renal Cell Carcinoma by Targeting Transglutaminase 2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 2020-04-03; 2020; Online:Published. IF 4.556 (2019)
Retroperitoneal single-site robot-assisted partial nephrectomy
using Lapsingle Vision advanced access platform: initial three
case reports Dae Keun Kim
Dae Keun Kim:이형호:. Retroperitoneal single-site robot-assisted partial nephrectomy using Lapsingle Vision advanced access platform: initial three case reports TRANSLATIONAL ANDROLOGY AND UROLOGY. 2020-04-01; 2020; 9(2):758~765. IF 2.445 (2019)
Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality, Survival, and
Prevalence in 2017 원영주
원영주:홍세리:박영란, 정규원, 공현주, 이은숙. Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality, Survival, and Prevalence in 2017 CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 2020-04-01; 2020; 52(2):335~350. IF 3.761 (2019)
Prediction of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Korea, 2020 원영주
원영주:정규원:홍세리, 공현주, 이은숙. Prediction of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Korea, 2020 CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 2020-04-01; 2020; 52(2):351~358. IF 3.761 (2019)
Usefulness of the mass screening program for colorectal cancer in China: further long-term validation is needed to confirm its value 서호경
서호경:Whi-An Kwon:. Usefulness of the mass screening program for colorectal cancer in China: further long-term validation is needed to confirm its value ANNALS OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE. 2020-04-01; 2020; 8(7):427~. IF 3.297 (2019)
Whi-An Kwon
The application of 3D-printing technology in pelvic bone tumor surgery 강현귀
강현귀:박종웅:김준혁. The application of 3D-printing technology in pelvic bone tumor surgery JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE. 2020-04-01; 2020; Online:Published. IF 1.259 (2019)
Environmental exposure to cadmium and risk of thyroid cancer from National Industrial Complex areas: a population-based cohort study 김병미
김병미:박은정:김세영, 박은영, 임민경, 원영주, 정규원. Environmental exposure to cadmium and risk of thyroid cancer from National Industrial Complex areas: a population-based cohort study CHEMOSPHERE. 2020-04-01; 2020; Online:Published. IF 5.778 (2019)